Wildflower Run 2024 Report

All our hard work has paid off! We’re pleased to announce that our 2024 Wildflower Run preliminary net income from all sources is an amazing $69,083.82. This exceeds the amounts made in 2022 and 2023. 

Members and supporters, you did it again! These funds all go to support our branch projects that support equity and education for women and girls. 

 Wildflower Run 2024 Expenses and Income Statement

Expenses  (26,318.18)
Corporate Sponsors  $           29,281.00
Runner Registrations  $           45,997.00
Member Donations  $           20,124.00
Gross Income  $           95,402.00
 Net Income  $           69,083.82

Joy Safakish or Bobbie Erb, Run Directors

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